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Archive for the Research category

Chinese Computer is the world's fastest - and without using US chips

Posted on Saturday, September 10, 2016 at 11:17 AM by Malcolm

A Chinese supercomputer built using domestic chip technology has been declared the world's fastest. The news highlights China's recent advances in the creation of such systems, as well the country's waning reliance on US semiconductor technology. Read the rest of the article here.

Edited on: Saturday, September 10, 2016 12:01 PM

Posted in HPC (RSS), Research (RSS), Tech (RSS)

A System-based Approach to Spares Management

Posted on Thursday, October 01, 2009 at 4:06 PM by Malcolm

The traditional approach to inventory provisioning sets all spares requirements to a level that meets an item’s performance measure, such as a stock-out protection level, a fill rate, a mission critical rate, or a confidence level. Such an approach cannot explicitly consider the overall performance of the system, nor can it be constrained to a set total cost for the spares mix.

However, a spares' benefit should be measured in terms of the projected increase in system availability by adding that spare to the inventory. The system-based inventory provisioning approach is significantly different from the traditional item approach for generating spares requirements, which treats all items the same. In system-based inventory provisioning, spares can then be ranked in terms of benefit, then divided by cost as a measure of the desirability of adding them to the inventory. The problem then is to answer the question "What mix of spare parts is required to keep the system at some level of operational performance for a specific scenario?". An optimal solution in this case means a solution in which no other mix of spares can provide a greater system availability for the same cost, or the same system availability for less cost (within the scope of the model assumptions and data). Thus, there exists not just one solution, but a set of solutions that represent different trade-off between system availability and cost.

An example of system-based inventory provisioning is the work on the Aircraft Sustainability Model from the Logistics Management Institute which is a mathematical statistical model used by the United States Air Force to computes optimal spares mixed to support a wide range of possible scenarios. Another example is the D-SIMSPAIR product from D-SIMLAB Technologies which uses simulation-based optimization to compute optimal mix of aerospace rotables for maintenance contracts.

Related Links:

Edited on: Monday, September 19, 2011 4:47 PM

Posted in General (RSS), Research (RSS), Tech (RSS)

The Read Green Initiative

Posted on Tuesday, May 12, 2009 at 5:26 PM by Malcolm

The Read Green Initiative offers millions of people FREE access to an alternative, environmentally friendly way of enjoying favorite magazines, books and other publications. Simply select your free one-year digital subscription to any featured magazine and read it with Zinio's interactive reader.

Edited on: Friday, May 22, 2009 3:25 PM

Posted in General (RSS), Research (RSS)

Google Code University - Introduction to Parallel Programming and MapReduce

Posted on Friday, December 19, 2008 at 12:40 AM by Malcolm

This tutorial from the Google Code University covers the basics of parallel programming and the MapReduce programming model. The pre-requisites are significant programming experience with a language such as C++ or Java, and data structures & algorithms.

Posted in General (RSS), HPC (RSS), Research (RSS)

Programming Languages - 6 Scripting Languages Your Developers Wish You'd Let Them Use

Posted on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 12:59 PM by Malcolm

Links to Programming Languages

6 Scripting Languages Your Developers Wish You'd Let Them Use

Edited on: Friday, September 09, 2016 1:04 PM

Posted in General (RSS), Research (RSS), Tech (RSS)

Ford-Fulkerson Method for Solving Maximum-Flow Problems

Posted on Wednesday, November 22, 2006 at 10:47 PM by Malcolm

Maximum-Flow Problems

  • Given the a network has p nodes.
  • Let N be the set of nodes, N={s0, n_1, n_2, ..., n_p-1 n_p, si}, where s0 and si represent the source and sink of the network.
  • Let N(i) be the ith node in N. So N(0) is the source and N(p+1) is the sink.
  • Given the there are q arcs connecting the nodes in the network. This include a virtual arc that connects from the sink si back to the source s0.
  • Let x(i,j) be the arc linking from node N(i) to node N(j).
  • Each arc x(i,j) has a maximum capacity given by x(i,j).mc. The virtual arc x(p+1,0) has unlimited capacity.
  • Each arc x(i,j) has a current flow given by x(i,j).cf.
  • For a flow to be feasible, it must have the following characteristics:
    • For each arc x(i,j), 0 <= x(i,j).cf <= x(i,j).mc.
    • For each node N(i), sum(x(j,i).cf) for all j=sum(x(i,k).cf for all k
  • The maximum flow problem is then to maximize the flow from the source to the sink, which is the same as maximizing the flow from the sink to the source, x(p+1,0).cf

Ford-Fulkerson Method for Solving Maximum-Flow Problems

  • Initialization: Set all x(i,j).cf to 0. This represents a feasible flow of the network.
  • Let I be the set of arcs x(i,j) where x(i,j).cf< x(i,j). I represents those arcs whose current flow can be increased.
  • Let R be the set of arcs x(i,j) where x(i,j).cf>0. R represents those arcs whose current flow can be decreased.
  • Carry out the following lableling procedure.
    • Step 1: Label the source.
    • Step 2: Label the nodes and arcs (except the virtual arc x(p+1,0) according to the following rules:
      • If node N(i) is labeled, and node N(j) is unlabeled and arc x(i,j) is in the set I, then label node N(j) and x(i,j). Arc x(i,j) is said to be a forward arc.
      • If node N(j) is unlabeled, and node N(i) is labeled and arc x(j,i) is in the set R, then label node N(j) and arc x(j,i). Arc x(j,i) is said to be a backward arc.
    • Step 3: Continue this labeling process until the sink has been labeled or until no more nodes can be labeled. If the sink has been labeled, adjust the flow according the the two cases described below and report step 2. If the sink cannot be labeled, then the flow is optimal.
  • If the labeling process results in the sink being labeled, then there will be a chain of labeled arcs C leading from the source to the sink. A new feasible flow with increased flow from the source to sink can be obtained by adjusting the the flow of the arcs in C.
  • If C contains entirely of forward arcs.
    • Let k = min(x(i,j).mc-x(i,j).cf)) for all x(i,j) in C.
    • k represents the maximum amount of flow that can increased in all arcs of C without violating all capacity constraint.
    • Increase the flow in each arc in C by k.
  • If C contains some forward arcs and some backward arcs.
    • Let k1 = min(x(i,j).cf) for all x(i,j) in C^R.
    • k1 represents the maximum amount of flow that can be decreased in all arcs of C^R without violating all capacity constraint.
    • Let k2 = min(x(i,j).mc-x(i,j).cf)) for all x(i,j) in C^I.
    • k2 represents the maximum amount of flow that can increased in all arcs of C^I without violating all capacity constraint.
    • Let k=min(k1,k2)
    • Increase the flow of each arc in C^I by k and decrease the flow of each arc in C^R by k.
Edited on: Sunday, November 23, 2008 11:45 AM

Posted in General (RSS), Research (RSS)

Project Report Guidelines - Tables, Figures, Format, References, Resources

Posted on Friday, November 17, 2006 at 3:38 PM by Malcolm

Below are a list of points for preparing technical reports for CIDP, URECA, UROP, IA, FYP, MSc/MEng/PhD:
  • All tables and figures should have a caption and should be cited (referred to) in the main text.
  • References are to be included based on commonly used format in IEEE or ACM conferences. References to web pages or articles should include the URL and the date of retrieval.
  • For full text of conference or journal articles, please use the NTU library digital resources. NTU has subscriptions to databases such as IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Library, Springer Link, Science Direct. NTU Proxy Bookmarklet is a quick way of obtaining full text articles from some of these databases.
Edited on: Friday, March 27, 2009 12:22 PM

Posted in General (RSS), Research (RSS)

Multi-agent Simulation

Posted on Saturday, November 04, 2006 at 11:20 AM by Malcolm

People Systems

Posted in Research (RSS)

Simulation - Techniques, Domains, Issues, Conferences

Posted on Thursday, October 26, 2006 at 8:45 PM by Malcolm

Simulation Techniques

  • Symbiotic Simulation
  • Parallel Simulation
  • Agent-based Simulation

Types of Simulation

  • Semiconductor Simulation
  • Container Port Simulation
  • Defence Simulation - Data Farming & Automated Red Teaming



Edited on: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 11:37 AM

Posted in General (RSS), Research (RSS)

Stowage Planning for Container Ships - Terminology, Issues, Videos, Magazine, References

Posted on Monday, October 23, 2006 at 5:59 PM by Malcolm


  • A container ship has its capacity measured in TEU, or Twenty-foot Equivalent Units. For example, a 8000TEU ship can carry up to 8000 twenty-foot containers. A ship contains a list of bays, usually numbered from the front of the ship to the back of the ship. Bays are divided in odd bays and even bays. Even bays are forty-footer bays and can be used to stow forty-foot containers. Each Even bay is made up of two odd bays. For example, bay 2 is made up of bay 1 and bay 3. So in this case there is no bay 4 and the next even bay is bay 6 which is made up of bay 7 and bay 5.

    In each bay, each vertical stack of containers is call a row. The numbering of the rows start from the center of the ship and move outwards. One side of the ship will have the set of odd row numbers {1, 3, 5 ...}, while the other side of the ship will have the set of even row numbers {2, 4, 6 ...}.

    For each row of containers in a bay, the vertical position of the container is indicated by its tier number. Tiers are numbered from the bottom of the ship upwards. There is a convention that tiers above the hatchcover are numbered starting from 80.

    Containers are stowed in a container ship based on a 6-digit code to represent the locations on a ship. The first two numbers indicate which bay of the ship the container is in. The second two numbers indicate which row of the bay the container is in. The last two number indicate which tier of the ship the container is in. For example, a location code of "060402" indicates a ship location in bay 06, row 04 and tier 02.


  • Maximization of Stability - GM, bending moment, heel, trim
  • Minimization of Overstow/rehandling - forced overstow, volunteered overstow
  • Consideration of Hatch Covers
  • Optimization for best Crane Splits - crane intensity, blocking
  • Stowage of Out-of-Guage Containers
  • Consideration of Hazardous Cargos
  • Consideration of Port Rotation
  • Consideration of Balast Management - zero balast



  • Digital Ship: Digital Ship is the commercial maritime world’s authority on satellite communications, software, navigation technology and computer based training.


  • Ambrosino D., Sciomachen A. and Tanfani E, "Stowing a containership: the master bay plan problem", Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 38, Number 2, February 2004 , pp. 81-99(19)
  • Mordecai Avriel, Michal Penn, Naomi Shpirer and Smadar Witteboon, "Stowage planning for container ships to reduce the number of shifts", Annals of Operations Research, Volume 76, Number 10, January 1998, pp. 55-71
  • Dirk Steenken, Thomas Winter and Uwe T. Zimmermann, "Stowage and Transport Optimization in Ship Planning", Online optimization of large-scale systems, pp 731-745. Springer, Berlin.
  • I.D. Wilson and P.A. Roach, "Principles of Combinatorial Optimization Applied to Container-Ship Stowage Planning", Journal of Heuristics, 1999, Volume 5, Issue 4, pp. 403-418
  • I.D. Wilson and P.A. Roach, "Container stowage planning: a methodology for generating computerised solutions", The Journal of the Operational Research Society, Volume 51, Number 11, pp. 1248-1255
  • Feng Li, Chunhua Tian, Rongzeng Cao and Wei Ding, "An Integer Linear Programming for Container Stowage Problem", ICCS 2008, Part I, LNCS 5101, pp. 853-862, 2008.
Edited on: Monday, July 13, 2009 5:40 PM

Posted in General (RSS), Research (RSS)

PhD Scholarship, Postdoc Fellowship - NSS, AGS, SINGA, SMF

Posted on Friday, October 06, 2006 at 1:30 PM by Malcolm

The following is a list of scholarships to support studying PhD in Singapore. Please email me if you need assistance in applying for any one of them.



Edited on: Monday, November 17, 2008 10:23 AM

Posted in General (RSS), Research (RSS)

Supercomputing for Interactive Digital Media Applications

Posted on Tuesday, August 08, 2006 at 6:01 PM by Malcolm

Modelling and simulation, Computational optimization, Parallel and distributed Computing


Interactive digital media environments involving large number of online users require the support of large computational resources to carryout many tasks such as rendering and updating of the environments and its associate entities. This kind of computational resources are traditionally available only on dedicated supercomputers. Recent developments in the field of commodity supercomputing such as multicore programming, GPGPU and cloud-computing need to be studied and adapted to power these interactive digital media applications.
Edited on: Thursday, August 28, 2008 11:16 AM

Posted in Research (RSS)

Operations Research

Posted on Wednesday, February 08, 2006 at 10:53 PM by Malcolm

Open-source Software

Jobshop Scheduling Problems

Travelling Salesman Problems



  • ILOG: Maker of CPLEX and OPL.
  • Gurobi: A startup by Gu, Rothberg, and Bixby from Ilog.
  • AIMMS: AIMMS is an advanced development environment for building optimization based operations research applications and advanced planning systems.
Edited on: Monday, February 09, 2009 12:20 AM

Posted in General (RSS), Research (RSS)

Symbiotic Simulation

Posted on Wednesday, February 01, 2006 at 5:44 PM by Malcolm

Symbiotic Simulation

Symbiotic simulation is an emergent technology proposed by the Parallel and Distributed Simulation working group at the 2002 Dagstuhl seminar on Grand Challenges for Modelling and Simulation (Fujimoto et al., 2002). Es-sentially, a symbiotic simulation system consists of a simu-lation model interacting with the physical system in a mu-tually beneficial way. The simulation system benefits from the continuous supply of the latest data and the automatic validation of its simulation outputs, whereas the physical system benefits from optimized performance obtained from the analysis of simulation experiments. A symbiotic inte-gration of the real-time physical system and the corre-sponding decision support module will enable prompt re-sponse to be carried out to handle abrupt changes in the physical system. The figure below shows a generic structure of a symbiotic simulation system.

For more information, please refer to:

  • Fujimoto, R., D. Lunceford, E. Page, and A. Uhrmacher. 2002. Technical Report of the Dagstuhl-Seminar Grand Challenges for Modelling and Simulation.

  • Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Stephen John Turner, Lai Peng Chan, Peter Lendermann, Steve Buckley, Ding Ling and Hai Liang Peng, "Symbiotic Simulation for Business Process Re-Engineering in High-tech Manufacturing and Service Networks". In Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 586-576, December 9-12, 2007, Washington, DC, USA. (download pdf)

  • Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Lye Kong Wei, Peter Lendermann, Stephen John Turner, Surya Leo, and Reman Chim. "An Agent-based Approach for Managing Symbiotic Simulation of Semiconductor Assembly and Test Operations", In Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Autonomous Agent and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), pp. 85-92, July 25-29, 2005, Utrecht, The Netherland. (download pdf)
Edited on: Monday, March 30, 2009 9:25 AM

Posted in Research (RSS)

Parallel and Distributed Computing Related Links

Posted on Sunday, January 22, 2006 at 12:20 AM by Malcolm

Parallel Computing Books

Parallel and Distributed Computing Related Sites/Blogs


  • Gustafson Law: Reevaluating Amdahl's Law

    (Link) Parallelizing an algorithm, however, will soon run into Amdahl's Law, which states that the speedup from parallelizing a process is an inverse function of the portion of the process that is necessarily sequential. Thus, not only do we need good algorithms to minimize the sequential portion of a process, but there is also an upper bound to the speedup we can achieve, even with an infinite number of parallel processors.

    While that may be a depressing result, parallel processing has been rescued by Gustafson's Law, which states that while the speedup for a fixed-size process is indeed limited by Amdahl's Law, we can achieve nearly linear speedups if we consider the amount of processing that can be done in a fixed period.

Edited on: Friday, October 17, 2008 10:04 AM

Posted in HPC (RSS), Research (RSS)

Johnson Algorithm for Two Machines Flow Shop

Posted on Saturday, January 14, 2006 at 1:13 PM by Malcolm

Johnson Algorithm for Two Machines Flow Shop

In the two-machine flow shop model, job i precedes job j in an optimal sequence if min{ai, bj} < min{aj, bi}. where ai and bi are the processing time of job i on the first and second machine respectively. The proof is due to Johnson (1954). One way to implement the rule is to partition the jobs into two sets. Set I contains jobs in which aj < bj and set II contains jobs in which aj > bj. An optimal schedule consists of the I-jobs, in nondecreasing order of aj, followed by the II-jobs, in nonincreasing order of bj.


S.M. Johnson, Optimal two- and three-stage production schedules with setup times included, Naval Res. Log. Quart. I(1954)61-68.

Posted in Research (RSS)

Bee Colony Optimization - Jobshop Scheduling, Travelling Salesman Problem

Posted on Thursday, January 12, 2006 at 12:23 AM by Malcolm

Bee Colony Optimization

The bee colony optimization algorithm is inspired by the behaviour of a honey bee colony in nectar collection. This biologically inspired approach is currently being employed to solve continuous optimization problems, training neural networks, mechanical and electronical componenets design optimization, combinatorial optimization problems such as job shop scheduling, the internet server optimization problem, the travelling salesman problem, etc.

For more information, please refer to:

  • Wikipedia: Bee Colony Optimization

  • Li Pei Wong, Chi Yung Puan, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low and Chin Soon Chong. "Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm with Big Valley Landscape Exploitation for Job Shop Scheduling Problems". In Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference. 2008 (to appear). (download pdf)

  • Li Pei Wong, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low and Chin Soon Chong. "Bee Colony Optimization with Local Search for Traveling Salesman Problem". In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN08), pp. 1019-1025, July 13-16, 2008, Daejeon, Korea. (download pdf)

  • Chin Soon Chong, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Appa Iyer Sivakumar, Kheng Leng Gay. "Using A Bee Colony Algorithm for Neighbourhood Search in Job Shop Scheduling Problems". In Proceedings of the 2007 European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, pp. 459-465, June 4-6, 2007, Prague, Czech Republic. (download pdf)

  • Chong Chin Soon, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Appa Iyer Sivakumar and Kheng Leng Gay. "A Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm to Job Shop Scheduling". In Proceedings of the 2006 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1954-1961, December 3-6, 2006, Monterey, CA USA. (download pdf)

  • Edited on: Friday, September 05, 2008 10:07 AM

    Posted in Research (RSS)


    Posted on Wednesday, January 11, 2006 at 9:25 PM by Malcolm

    Publications - [DBLP, ACM ]

    PhD Thesis

    • Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, "Adaptive Techniques for BSP Time Warp", Thesis Advisor: Professor Bill McColl, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, Programming Research Group, September 2002.

    Book Chapter

    1. Fanchao Zeng, James Decraene, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Suiping Zhou, Wentong Cai. "Diversity-driven Self-Adaptation in Evolutionary Algorithms" Intelligent Control and Computer Engineering, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Series, Volume 70, pp. 95-106, 2011. (download from Springerlink)

    2. Heiko Aydt, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, and Malcolm Yoke Hean Low. "An agent-based generic framework for symbiotic simulation systems". In Adelinde M. Uhrmacher and Danny Weyns editors, Agents, Simulation and Applications. Taylor and Francis, 2008. (download from CRCnetBase)


    1. Fanchao Zeng, James Decraene, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Suiping Zhou, Wentong Cai. "Evolving Optimal and Diversified Military Operational Plan for Computational Red Teaming". IEEE Systems Journal (accepted), 2012.

    2. Mojtaba Shakari, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Stephen John Turner, Eng Wah Lee. "A Robust Two-Phase Heuristic Algorithm for the Truck Scheduling Problem in a Resource-Constrained Crossdock Computers & Operations Research". Computers & Operations Research (accepted), 2012.

    3. Xi Guo, Shell Ying Huang, Wen Jing Hsu and Malcolm Yoke Hean Low. "Dynamic Yard Crane Dispatching in Container Terminals with Predicted Vehicle Arrival Information". Advanced Engineering Informatics (accepted), 2011.

    4. Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Min Zeng, Wen Jing Hsu, Shell Ying Huang, Fan Liu and Cho Aye Win. "Improving Safety and Stability of Large Containerships in Automated Stowage Planning". IEEE System Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 50-60, March 2011.

    5. Hequen Sun, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Wenjing Hsu and Jagath Rajapakse, "RecMotif: A Novel Fast Algorithm for Weak Motif Discovery", BMC Bioinformatics Vol. 11, Suppl. 11:S8, 2010.

    6. Muzhou Xiong , Michael Lees, Wentong Cai, Suiping Zhou and Malcolm Yoke Hean Low. "Analysis of an Efficient Rule-based Motion Planning System for Simulating Human Crowds". The Visual Computer, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 367-383, May 2010. (link)

    7. Li-Pei Wong, Chi Yung Puan, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Chin Soon Chong, Yi Wen Wong. "Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm with Big Valley Landscape Exploitation for Job Shop Scheduling Problems". International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computing, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 85-99, 2010.

    8. Sui Ping Zhou, Dan Chen, Wentong Cai, Lin Bo Luo, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Feng Tian, Su Haan Tay, Wee Sze Ong and Benjamin D. Hamilton, "Crowd Modeling and Simulation Technologies". ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), Vol. 20, No. 4, October 2010.

    9. Li Pei Wong, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low and Chin Soon Chong. "Bee Colony Optimization with Local Search for Traveling Salesman Problem". International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 305-334, 2010. 2009.

    10. Zhengping Li, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low and Yan Guan Lim. "Optimal Decision-making on Product Allocation for Crossdocking and Warehousing Operations". International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, Vol. 4, No.4, pp. 352–365, 2009.

    11. Linbo Luo, Suiping Zhou, Wentong Cai, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Feng Tian, Yongwei Wang and Xian Xiao. "Agent-based Human Behavior Modeling for Crowd Simulation". Computer Animation and Virtual World, Vol. 19, No. 3-4, pp. 271-281, 2008.

    12. Peter Lendermann, Stephen John Turner, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Boon Ping Gan, Nirupam Julka, Lai Peng Chan, Wen-tong Cai, Loo Hay Lee, E. P. Chew, S. Y. Teng and L. F. McGinnis. "An Integrated and Adaptive Decision-Support Framework for High-Tech Manufacturing and Service Networks", Journal of Simulation, Vol. 1/2, pp. 69-79, 2007.

    13. Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Boon Ping Gan, Junhu Wei, Xiao-Guang Wang, Stephen John Turner and Wen-tong Cai. "Shared State Synchronization for HLA-Based Distributed Simulation", Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Vol. 82, No. 8, pp. 511-521, August 2006. (download pdf)

    14. Simon J. E. Taylor, Xiaoguang Wang, Stephen John Turner and Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, "Integrating Heterogeneous Distributed COTS Discrete-Event Simulation Packages: An Emerging Standards-based Approach", IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetics. Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 109-122, Jan 2006. (download pdf)

    15. Xiaoguang Wang, Stephen John Turner, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, and Boon Ping Gan. "Optimistic Synchronization in HLA Based Distributed Simulation", Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Vol. 81, No. 4, pp. 279-291, July 2005. (download pdf)

    16. Dan Chen, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Boon Ping Gan, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, "Algorithms for HLA-based Distributed Simulation Cloning", ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, Vol. 15, Issue 4, pp 316-345, Oct. 2005. (download pdf)

    17. Wentong Cai, Zijing Yuan, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low and Stephen John Turner. "Federate Migration in HLA-based Simulation", Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 87-95, Jan 2005. (download pdf)

    18. Boon Ping Gan, Yoke Hean Low, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner, Sanjay Jain, Wen Jing Hsu, Shell Ying Huang. "The Development of Conservative Super-step Protocols for Shared Memory Multiprocessor Systems", Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices, 2001, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 1-17.

    19. Yoke-Hean Low, Chu-Cheow Lim, Wentong Cai, Shell-Ying Huang, Wen-Jing Hsu, Sanjay Jain, and Stephen J. Turner. "Survey of Languages and Runtime Libraries for Parallel Discrete Event Simulation", Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Computer Simulation (SCS), Joint Special Issue on Parallel and Distributed Simulation, Vol. 72, No. 3, March 1999, pp. 170-186. (download pdf)

    20. Alfred CK Heng, Malcolm YH Low, "Loop Parallelisation Tool for Message-Passing Systems", Microprocessors and Microsystems Journal, M20/07, pp. 409-421, March 1997. (download pdf)


    1. Nasri Othman, James Decraene, Wentong Cai, Nan Hu, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, and Alexandre Gouaillard. "Simulation-based Optimization of StarCraft Tactical AI through Evolutionary Computation", In Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (to appear). 11-14 September 2012, Granada, Spain.

    2. Peter Lendermann, Annamalai Thirunavukkarasu, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low and Leon F. McGinnis. "Initial Provisioning and Spare Parts Inventory Network Optimisation in a Multi-Maintenance Base Environment", In Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference (to appear). 9-12 December 2012, Berlin, Germany.

    3. Fanchao Zeng, Decraene James, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Wentong Cai and Philip Hingston. "Studies of Pareto-based Multi-objective Competitive Coevolutionary Dynamics". In Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (to appear). June 5-8 2011, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Fanchao Zeng, James Decraene, Malcolm Low, Wentong Cai, Suiping Zhou and Philip Hingston. "High-dimensional Objective-based Data Farming". In Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defence Applications (to appear). April 2011, Paris, France.

    4. Min Zeng, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Wen Jing Hsu, Shell Ying Huang, Fan Liu and Cho Aye Win. "Automated Stowage Planning for Large Containership with Improved Safety and Stability". In Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference. pp. 1976-1989, 5-8th December 2010, Baltimore, MD, USA.

    5. James Decraene, Mahinthan Chandramohan, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low and Chwee Seng Choo. "Evolvable Simulations Applied to Automated Red Teaming: A Preliminary Study". In Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference. pp. 1444-1455, 5-8th December 2010, Baltimore, MD, USA.

    6. James Decraene, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Fanchao Zeng, Suiping Zhou and Wentong Cai, "Automated Modeling and Analysis of Agent-based Simulations using the CASE Framework", 2010 11th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV 2010). pp. 346-351, 5-8th December 2010, Singapore.

    7. Hequen Sun, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Wenjing Hsu and Jagath Rajapakse, "ListMotif: A Time and Memory Efficient Algorithm for Weak Motif Discovery", IEEE 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE2010), 15-16 November 2010, Hangzhou, China.

    8. James Decraene, Yong Yong Cheng, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Suiping Zhou and Wentong Cai. "Evolving Agent-based Simulations in the Clouds." Proceedings of Third International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence (IWACI2010), pp. 244 - 249, 25-27 August, 2010, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China.

    9. Mojtaba Shakeri, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Zhengping Li, Eng Wah Lee, "Two Efficient Constructive Heuristics for Scheduling Trucks at Crossdocking Terminals", 2010 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, pp. 177-182, 15-17 July 2010, Qingdao, China.

    10. Mojtaba Shakeri, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, and Eng Wah Lee, "Development of a Novel Resource-Constrained Crossdocking Model for the Truck Scheduling Problem", 15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Techonologies and Factory Automation, pp. 1-9, 15-16 September, 2010, Bilbao, Spain.

    11. Fanchao Zeng, James Decraene, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Philip Hingston, Wentong Cai, Suiping Zhou, Mahinthan Chandramohan. "Autonomous Bee Colony Optimization for Multi-objective Function". In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pp. 1-8, 18-23 July 2010, Barcelona, Spain. (download pdf)

    12. Muzhou Xiong, Michael Lees, Wentong Cai, Suiping Zhou, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low. "Hybrid Modelling of Crowd Simulation". In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science 2010 (ICCS 2010), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, May 31 - Jun 2, 2010.

    13. James Decraene, Mark Anderson and Malcolm Yoke Hean Low. "Maritime Counter-Piracy Study using Agent-Based Simulations". In Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Simulation Symposium. pp. 82-89, April 11-15, 2010, Orlando, FL, USA. (download pdf)

    14. James Decraene, Fanchao Zeng, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Suiping Zhou and Wentong Cai. "Research Advances in Automated Red Teaming". In Proceedings of the 2010 Military Modelling & Simulation Symposium. pp. 145-152, April 11-15, 2010, Orlando, FL, USA. (download pdf)

    15. Fanchao Zeng, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, James Decraene, Suiping Zhou, Wentong Cai. "Self-Adaptive Mechanism for Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms". In Proceedings of the 2010 IAENG International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications. pp. 7-12, 17-19 March, 2010, Hong Kong. (download pdf)

    16. Cho Aye Win, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Shell Ying Huang, Wen Jing Hsu, Fan Liu and Min Zeng. "Visualization and Simulation Tool for Automated Stowage Plan Generation System". In Proceedings of the 2010 IAENG International Conference on Control and Automation. pp. 1013-1019, 17-19 March, 2010, Hong Kong. (download pdf)

    17. Min Zeng, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Wen Jing Hsu, Shell Ying Huang, Fan Liu and Cho Aye Win. "Improving Ship Stability in Automated Stowage Planning for Large Containerships". In Proceedings of the 2010 IAENG International Conference on Industrial Engineering. pp. 1838-1843, 17-19 March, 2010, Hong Kong. (download pdf)

    18. Fan Liu, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Shell Ying Huang, Wen Jing Hsu, Min Zeng and Cho Aye Win. "Stowage Planning of Large Containership with Tradeoff between Crane Workload Balance and Ship Stability". In Proceedings of the 2010 IAENG International Conference on Industrial Engineering. pp. 1537-1543, 17-19 March, 2010, Hong Kong. (download pdf)

    19. Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Mahinthan Chandramohan and Chwee Seng Choo. "Application of Multi-Objective Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm to Automated Red Teaming". In Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference. pp. 1798-1808, Dec 13-16, 2009, Austin, TX, USA. (download pdf)

    20. Heiko Aydt, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, and Malcolm Yoke Hean Low. "Research Issues in Symbiotic Simulation". In Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference. pp. 1213-1222, Dec 13-16, 2009, Austin, TX, USA. (download pdf)

    21. Yuan Wei Chua and Malcolm Yoke Hean Low. "Predictive Algorithms for Aggregation and Disaggregation in Mixed Mode Simulation". In Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference. pp. 1356-1365, Dec 13-16, 2009, Austin, TX, USA. (download pdf)

    22. Xi Guo, Shell Ying Huang, Wen Jing Hsu and Malcolm Yoke Hean Low. "A Simulation Based Hybrid Algorithm For Yard Crane Dispatching In Container Terminals". In Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference. pp. 2320-2331, Dec 13-16, 2009, Austin, TX, USA. (download pdf)

    23. Yongwei Wang, Michael Lees, Wentong Cai, Suiping Zhou and Malcolm Yoke Hean Low. "Cluster Based Partitioning For Agent-Based Crowd Simulations". In Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference. pp. 1047-1058, Dec 13-16, 2009, Austin, TX, USA (download pdf)

    24. Yi Wen Wong, Rick Siow Mong Goh, Shyh-Hao Kuo and Malcolm Yoke Hean Low. "A Tabu Search for the Heterogeneous DAG Scheduling Problem". In Proceedings of the 2009 15th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS09). pp. 663-670, Dec 9-11, 2009, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. (download pdf)

    25. Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Xiantao Xiao, Liu Fan, Shell Ying Huang and Wen Jing Hsu. "An Automated Stowage Planning System for Large Containerships". In Proceedings of the 4th Virtual International Conference on Intelligent Production Machines and Systems (IPROMS). July, 2009. (download pdf)

    26. Li Pei Wong, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low and Chin Soon Chong. "A Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm with the Fragmentation State Transition Rule for Traveling Salesman Problem". In Proceedings of the 4th Virtual International Conference on Intelligent Production Machines and Systems (IPROMS). July, 2009. (download pdf)

    27. Xiantao Xiao, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Fan Liu, Shell Ying Huang, Wen Jing Hsu and Zhengping Li. "An Efficient Block-Based Heuristic Method for Stowage Planning of Large Containerships with Crane Split Consideration". In Proceedings of the International Conference on Harbor, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics. Modelling and Simulation. September 23-25, 2009, Tenerife - Canary Islands, Spain. (download pdf)

    28. Linbo Luo, Suiping Zhou, Wentong Cai, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low and Michael Lees. "Towards a Generic Framework for Modeling Human-like behavior in crowd simulation". In Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International conference of Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT 2009). pp. 275-278, September 15-18, 2009, Milan, Italy. (download pdf)

    29. Muzhou Xiong, Michael Lees, Wentong Cai, Suiping Zhou and Malcolm Yoke Hean Low. "A Rule-Based Motion Planning for Crowd Simulation". In Proceedings IEEE International conference on Cyberworlds 2009 (CW 2009). September 7-9, 2009, Bradford, UK. (download pdf)

    30. Niak Wu Koh, Zheng Ping Li, Roland Lim, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Jincong Lin. "RFID for Crossdocking: Is it worth the investment?". In Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics. pp. 423-428, July 22 - 24, 2009, Chicago, IL, USA.

    31. Li Pei Wong, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Chin Soon Chong. "An Efficient Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem using Frequency-based Pruning". In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN09). pp. 775-782, June 24-26, 2009, Cardiff, UK. (download pdf)

    32. Heiko Aydt, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Rassul Ayani. "Symbiotic Simulation Model Validation for Radiation Detection Applications". In Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE/ACM/SCS Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS 2009). pp. 11-18, June 22-25, 2009, NY, USA. (download pdf)

    33. Yong Liang Xu, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Chwee Seng Choo. "Enhancing Automated Red Teaming with Evolvable Simulation". In Proceedings of the 2009 World Summit on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. pp. 687-694, June 12-14, 2009, Shanghai, China. (download pdf)

    34. Kabilen Sornum, Yuanxi Liang, Wentong Cai, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, and Suiping Zhou. "3D Visualization and Animation of Crowd Simulation Using a Game Engine". In Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference & Symposium on Computer Games, Animation, Multimedia and Allied Technology. 11th -12th May, 2009, Singapore. (download pdf)

    35. Muzhou Xiong, Wentong Cai, Suiping Zhou, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Feng Tian, Dan Chen, Daren Wee Sze Ong and Benjamin D. Hamilton. "A Case Study of Multi-Resolution Modeling for Crowd Simulation". In Proceedings of the Agent-Directed Simulation Symposium (ADS'09), March 22-27, 2009, San Diego, CA, USA. (download pdf)

    36. Yongwei Wang, Wentong Cai, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Suiping Zhou, Feng Tian, Linbo Luo, Daren Wee Sze Ong and Benjamin D. Hamilton. "A Framework of Evaluating Partitioning Mechanisms for Agent-based Simulation Systems". In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Spring Symposium (ANSS). March 22-27, 2009, San Diego, CA, USA. (download pdf)

    37. Xi Guo, Shell Ying Huang, Wen Jing Hsu and Malcolm Yoke Hean Low. "Simulation-Based Dynamic Partitioning of Yard Crane Workload for Container Terminal Operations". In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Spring Symposium (ANSS). March 22-27, 2009, San Diego, CA, USA. (download pdf)

    38. Li Pei Wong, Chi Yung Puan, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low and Chin Soon Chong. "Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm with Big Valley Landscape Exploitation for Job Shop Scheduling Problems". In Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference. pp. 2050-2058, Dec 7-10, 2008, Miami, FL, USA. (download pdf)

    39. Heiko Aydt, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Peter Lendermann, Boon Ping Gan, and Rassul Ayani. "Preventive what-if analysis in symbiotic simulation". In Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference. pp. 750-758, Dec 7-10, 2008, Miami, FL, USA. (download pdf)

    40. Xi Guo, Shell Ying Huang, Wenjing Hsu, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low. "Yard Crane Dispatching Based On Real Time Data Driven Simulation For Container Terminals". In Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference. pp. 2648-2655, Dec 7-10, 2008, Miami, FL, USA. (download pdf)

    41. Zhengping Li, Cheng Hwee Sim, Low, M.Y.H. and Yan Guan Lim. "Optimal product allocation for crossdocking and warehousing operations in FMCG supply chain". In Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, 2008. IEEE/SOLI 2008. Volume 2, pp. 2963 - 2968, Oct 12-15, 2008, Beijing, China. (download pdf)

    42. Linbo Luo, Sui Ping Zhou, Wentong Cai, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Feng Tian, Yongwei Wang, Xian Xiao and Dan Chen "Agent-based Human Behaviour Modeling for Crowd Simulation". InProceedings of the International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2008). Sep 1-3, 2008, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea.

    43. Mojtaba Shakeri, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low and Zhengping Li. "A Generic Model for Crossdock Truck Scheduling and Truck-to-Door Assignment Problems". In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN08), pp. 857-864, July 13-16, 2008, Daejeon, Korea. (download pdf)

    44. Li Pei Wong, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low and Chin Soon Chong. "Bee Colony Optimization with Local Search for Traveling Salesman Problem". In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN08), pp. 1019-1025, July 13-16, 2008, Daejeon, Korea. (download pdf)

    45. Zhengping Li, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Yan Guan Lim and Bin Ma. "Optimal Decision-making on Product Ranking For Crossdocking/Warehousing Operations". In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN08), pp. 871-876, July 13-16, 2008, Daejeon, Korea. (download pdf)

    46. Li Pei Wong, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, and Chin Soon Chong. "A Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem". In Proceedings of the 2nd Asia Modelling Symposium (AMS 2008), pp. 818-823, May 13-15, 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

    47. Heiko Aydt, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, "Symbiotic Simulation Systems: An Extended Definition Motivated by Symbiosis in Biology". In Proceedings of the 22nd Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation, pp. 106-116, 2008. (download pdf)

    48. Heiko Aydt, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Peter Lendermann, Boon Ping Gan, "Symbiotic simulation Control in Semiconductor Manufacturing", In Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Computational Science, pp. 26-35, 2008. (download pdf)

    49. Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Liu Weiguo, Bertil Schmidt, "A Parallel BSP Algorithm for Irregular Dynamic Programming". In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4847, pp. 151-160, November 22-23, 2007, Guangzhou, China. (download pdf)

    50. Xi Guo, Shell Ying Huang, Wenjing Hsu, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Tian Heong Chan, Jiang Hong Liu. "Vehicle Dispatching with Real Time Location Information in Container Terminals". In Proceedings of the 2007 European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, 4-6 October, 2007, Bergeggi, Italy. (download pdf)

    51. Simon J. E. Taylor, Navonil Mustafee, Steffen Strassburger,Stephen J. Turner, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, John Ladbrook. "The SISO CSPI PDG Standard for Commercial Off-the-shelf Simulation Package Interoperability Reference Models". In Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 594-602, December 9-12, 2007, Washington, DC, USA. (download pdf)

    52. Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Stephen John Turner, Lai Peng Chan, Peter Lendermann, Steve Buckley, Ding Ling and Hai Liang Peng. "Symbiotic Simulation for Business Process Re-Engineering in High-tech Manufacturing and Service Networks". In Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 586-576, December 9-12, 2007, Washington, DC, USA. (download pdf)

    53. Chin Soon Chong, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Appa Iyer Sivakumar, Kheng Leng Gay. "Using A Bee Colony Algorithm for Neighbourhood Search in Job Shop Scheduling Problems". In Proceedings of the 2007 European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, pp. 459-465, June 4-6, 2007, Prague, Czech Republic. (download pdf)

    54. Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Wentong Cai, Suiping Zhou. "A Federated Agent-Based Crowd Simulation Architecture". In Proceedings of the 2007 European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, pp. 188-194, June 4-6, 2007, Prague, Czech Republic. (download pdf)

    55. Chong Chin Soon, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Appa Iyer Sivakumar and Kheng Leng Gay. "A Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm to Job Shop Scheduling". In Proceedings of the 2006 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1954-1961, December 3-6, 2006, Monterey, CA USA. (download pdf)

    56. Simon J. E. Taylor, Stephen John Turner, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Xiaoguang Wang, Steffen Strassburger and John Ladbrook. "Developing Interoperability Standards for Distributed Simulation and COTS Simulation Packages with CSPI PDG". In Proceedings of the 2006 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1101-1110, December 3-6, 2006, Monterey, CA USA. (download pdf)

    57. Li Zhengping, Sim Cheng Hwee and Malcolm Yoke Hean Low. "A Survey of Emergent Behavior and Its Impacts in Agent-based Systems". In Proceedings of the 4th International IEEE Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN'06), August 16-18, 2006. (download pdf)

    58. Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Stephen John Turner. "Using Web Services and Business Process Execution Language for HLA-based Distributed Supply-chain Simulation". In Proceedings of the UK Operational Research Society Simulation Workshop 2006 (SW06), March 28-29, 2006, UK. (download pdf)

    59. Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Mike Long Foong Liow, Peter Lendermann, Jurgen Potoradi, Long Kim Tng, Wai Khang Lim, Daniel Quadt. "Analysis of Lot Sizing and Planning Bucket Strategies for Semiconductor Backend Operation". In Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing (MASM), pp. 201-208, October 6-8, 2005, Singapore. (download pdf)

    60. Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Lye Kong Wei, Peter Lendermann, Stephen John Turner, Surya Leo, and Reman Chim. "An Agent-based Approach for Managing Symbiotic Simulation of Semiconductor Assembly and Test Operations". In Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Autonomous Agent and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), pp. 85-92, July 25-29, 2005, Utrecht, The Netherland. (download pdf)

    61. Xiaoguang Wang, Stephen John Turner, Simon J E Taylor, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Boon Ping Gan. "A COTS Simulation Package Emulator (CSPE) for Investigating COTS Simulation Package Interoperability". In Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 402-411, December 4-7, 2005, Orlando, FL USA.

    62. Peter Lendermann, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Boon Ping Gan, Nirupam Julka, Lai Peng Chan et al. "An Integrated and Adaptive Decision-Support Framework for High-tech Manufacturing and Service Networks". In Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 2052-2062, December 4-7, 2005, Orlando, FL USA. (download pdf)

    63. Boon Ping Gan, Peter Lendermann, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Stephen John Turner, Xiaoguang Wang, Simon J E Taylor. "Interoperating AutoSched AP Using the High Level Architecture". In Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 394-401, December 4-7, 2005, Orlando, FL USA.

    64. Chin Soon Chong, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Appa Iyer Sivakumar, Kheng Leng Gay. "Using Simulation based Approach to Improve on the Mean Cycle Time Performance of Dispatching Rules". In Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 2194-2202, December 4-7, 2005, Orlando, FL USA.

    65. Boon Ping Gan, Simon J E Turner, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Xiaoguang Wang. "Using Manufacturing Process Flow for Time Synchronization in HLA-Based Simulation". In Proceedings of the Ninth IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications (DS-RT 2005), pp. 148- 160, October 10-11, 2005,

    66. Simon J E Taylor, Stephen John Turner, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low. "The COTS Simulation Package Interoperability Product Development Group (CSPI-PDG)". In Proceedings of the 2005 European Simulation Interoperability Workshop (EuroSIW 2005), 2005, pp. 05E-SIW-056.

    67. Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Yeong-Dae Kim and Tae-Eog Lee. "Due-date Oriented Dispatching Rules for Semiconductor Backend Operation". In Proceedings of the 2004 Asia Pacific Management Conference, pp. 1043-1055, October 27-29, 2004, Daejeon, Korea.

    68. Simon J E Taylor, Stephen John Turner and Malcolm Yoke Hean Low. "A Proposal for an Entity Transfer Specification Standard for COTS Simulation Package Interoperation". In Proceedings of the European Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2004, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 28 - July 1, 2004, No. 04E-SIW-081.

    69. Dan Chen, Stephen John Turner, Boon Ping Gan, Wentong Cai, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Junhu Wei. "Incremental HLA-based Distributed Simulation Cloning". In Proceedings of the 2004 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 386-394, December 5-8, 2004, Washington DC, USA.

    70. Dan Chen, Stephen John Turner, Boon Ping Gan, Wentong Cai, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low. "Management of Simulation Cloning in HLA-based Distributed Simulations". In Proceedings of the European Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2004, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 28 - July 1, 2004, No. 04E-SIW-010. (download pdf)

    71. Xiaoguang Wang, Stephen J. Turner, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low and Boon Ping Gan. "A Generic Architecture for the Integration of COTS Packages with the HLA". In Proceedings of the 2004 UK Operational Research Society Simulation Workshop, pp. 225-233, March 23-24, 2004.

    72. Stephen J. Turner, Xiaoguang Wang, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low and Boon Ping Gan. "Optimistic Synchronization in HLA Based Distributed Simulation". In Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation (PADS'04), pp. 123-130, May 16 - 19, 2004, Kufstein, Austria.

    73. Zijing Yuan, Wentong Cai, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low and Stephen J. Turner. "Federate Migration in HLA-based Simulation". In Proceedings of the Workshop on HLA-Based Distributed Simulation on the Grid (DSGrid04), at the International Conference on Computational Science 2004 (ICCS 2004) DS-GRID2004, pp. 856-864, 7-9 June 2004, Krakow, Poland.

    74. Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Boon Ping Gan, Junhu Wei, Xiaoguang Wang, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai. "Implementation Issues for Shared State in HLA-based Distributed Simulation". In Proceedings of the 15th European Simulation Symposium (ESS2003), pp. 5-13, October 26-29, Delft, The Netherlands, 2003. (download pdf)

    75. Zijing Yuan, Wentong Cai and Malcolm Yoke Hean Low. "A Framework for Executing Parallel Simulation using RTI". In Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, pp. 12-19, October 23-25, Delft, The Netherlands, 2003.

    76. Boon Ping Gan, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low, Junhu Wei, Xiaoguang Wang, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai. "Synchronization and Management of Shared State in HLA-based Distributed Simulation". In Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 847-854.

    77. Malcolm Yoke Hean Low. "A Time Slicing Approach to External Workload Management on BSP Time Warp". In Proceedings of the 17th European Simulation Multiconference (ESM 2003), pp. 397-403, Nottingham, UK. (download pdf)

    78. Zheng Ping Li, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low and Arun Kumar. "A Framework for Multi-Agent System-Based Dynamic Supply Chain Coordination". In Proceedings of the Agents at Work Workshop at the Second International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multi-Agent Systems, pp. 7-17, June 9-11, 2003, Melbourne, Australia, 2003. (download pdf)

    79. Malcolm Yoke Hean Low. "Manufacturing Simulation using BSP Time Warp with Variable Numbers of Processors". In Proceedings of the 2002 European Simulation Symposium, pp. 137-144, June 3-5, 2002, Dresden, Germany, 2002.

    80. Malcolm Yoke Hean Low. "Managing External Workload with BSP Time Warp". In Proceedings of the 2002 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 704-711, December 8-11 2002, San Diego, USA.

    81. Malcolm Yoke Hean Low. "Dynamic Load-Balancing for BSP Time Warp". In Proceedings of the 35th Annual Simulation Symposium, pp. 267-274, April 14-18 2002, San Diego, California.

    82. Malcolm Yoke Hean Low and David M. Nicol. "Consistent Modeling of Distributed Mutual Exclusion Protocol using Optimistic Simulation". In Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation (PADS 2001), pp. 137-144, May 15-18 2001, Lake Arrowhead, California. (download pdf)

    83. Malcolm Yoke Hean Low. "Adaptive BSP Time Warp". In Proceedings of the Fifth UK Simulation Society Conference (UKSim 2001), pp. 14-20, March 28-30, 2001, Cambridge, UK.

    84. Sanjay Jain, Boon Ping Gan, Chu-Cheow Lim, Yoke-Hean Low. "Bottleneck Based Modeling of Semiconductor Supply Chains". In Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing (MASM 2000), Tempe, Arizona, May 10-12, 2000. (download pdf)

    85. Yoke-Hean Low, Boon-Ping Gan, Sanjay Jain, Wentong Cai, Wen Jing Hsu and Shell Ying Huang, Stephen J. Turner. "A Parallel Discrete-Event Simulation of a Supply-chain in Semiconductor Industry". In Proceedings of the 4th High Performance Computing (HPC) Asia 2000, May 14-17 2000, Beijing, China.

    86. Boon-Ping Gan, Yoke-Hean Low, Sanjay Jain, Stephen J. Turner, Wentong Cai, Wen Jing Hsu and Shell Ying Huang. "Load Balancing for Conservative Simulation on Shared Memory Multiprocessor Systems". In Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation (PADS 2000), pp. 139-146, May 28-31, 2000, Bologna, Italy, IEEE Press.

    87. Sanjay Jain, Chu-Cheow Lim, Boon-Ping Gan and Yoke-Hean Low. "Criticality of Detailed Modeling in Semiconductor Supply Chain Simulation". In Proceedings of the 1999 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC'99), pp. 888-896, December 5-8, 1999, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

    88. Chu-Cheow Lim, Yoke-Hean Low and Wentong Cai. "A Parallelism Analyzer Algorithm for a Conservative Super-Step Simulation Protocol". In Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-32), January 5-8, 1999, Hawaii USA. (download pdf)

    89. Chu-Cheow Lim, Yoke-Hean Low, Boon-Ping Gan, Sanjay Jain, Wentong Cai, Shell-Ying Huang, and Wen-Jing Hsu. "Performance Prediction Tools for Parallel Discrete Event Simulation". In Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation (PADS '99), pp. 148-155, May 1-4, 1999, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. (download pdf)

    90. Chu-Cheow Lim, Yoke-Hean Low, Boon-Ping Gan, Sanjay Jain, Stephen J. Turner, Wentong Cai, Wen Jing Hsu and Shell Ying Huang. "Harnessing Parallelism in a Parallel Discrete-Event Simulation". In Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (MS'99), pp. 219-223, May 5-8, 1999, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

    91. Chu-Cheow Lim, Yoke-Hean Low and Boon-Ping Gan. "Computing Safetime in a Conservative Synchronous Simulation Based on Future Events". In Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA99), pp. 2436-2442, June 28-July 1, 1999, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

    92. Yoke-Hean Low, Chu-Cheow Lim, Boon-Ping Gan, Sanjay Jain, Wentong Cai, Wen Jing Hsu, Shell Ying Huang and Stephen J. Turner. "Conservative Parallel Simulation for Manufacturing System". In Proceedings of the 8th International Parallel Computing Workshop (PCW'98), pp. 293-300, September 7-8 1998, Singapore.

    93. Stephen J. Turner, Chu-Cheow Lim, Yoke-Hean Low, Wentong Cai, Wen Jing Hsu and Shell Ying Huang. "A Methodology for Automating the Parallelization of Manufacturing Simulations". In Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation (PADS'98). pp. 126-133, May 26-29, 1998, Banff, Alberta, Canada.

    94. Chu-Cheow Lim, Yoke-Hean Low, Wentong Cai, Wen Jing Hsu, Shell Ying Huang, Stephen Turner. "An Empirical Comparison of Runtime Systems for Conservative Parallel Simulation", In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Runtime Systems for Parallel Programming (RTSPP 1998), March 30 1998, Orlando, Florida, USA. Also in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (No. 1388), Parallel and Distributed Processing, Jose Rolim (Ed.), Springer Verlag 1998, pp.123 - 134.

    95. Chu-Cheow Lim and Yoke-Hean Low. "Building a Conservative Parallel Simulation with Existing Component Libraries". In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Languages, Compilers and Run-Time Systems for Scalable Computers (LCR98), pp. 378-385, May 28-30, 1998, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

    96. Chu-Cheow Lim, Yoke-Hean Low and Stephen J. Turner. "Relaxing SafeTime Computation of a Conservative Simulation Algorithm". In Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA '98), pp. 1538-1545, Jul 1998, Las Vegas, USA, CSREA Press.

    97. Chu-Cheow Lim, Yoke-Hean Low, Boon-Ping Gan and Sanjay Jain. "Implementations of Dispatch Rules in Parallel Manufacturing Simulation". In Proceedings of the 1998 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC '98), pp. 1591-1597, December 13 - 16, 1998, Washington D.C. USA.

    98. Chu-Cheow Lim, Yoke-Hean Low, Boon-Ping Gan, Stephen J. Turner, Sanjay Jain, Wentong Cai, Wen Jing Hsu and Shell Ying Huang. "A Parallel Discrete-Event Simulation of Wafer Fabrication Processes". 3rd High Performance Computing (HPC) Asia 1998, pp. 1180-1189, September 22-25, 1998, Singapore.

    Edited on: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 6:36 PM

    Posted in Research (RSS)

    Scheduling Related Links

    Posted on Wednesday, January 11, 2006 at 12:19 AM by Malcolm

    Scheduling Related Links

    Edited on: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 11:14 AM

    Posted in Research (RSS)

    Research Interests, Projects, Students

    Posted on Thursday, January 05, 2006 at 9:23 PM by Malcolm

    Research Interests

    Research Affiliations

    Research Experience

    Research Projects

    Research Students

    PhD Students

    • Wong Li Pei
      Commenced January 2007
      Co-supervisor: Dr. Chong Chin Soon (SIMTech)
      Project title: Bee Colony Optimization with Local Search for Traveling Salesman Problem
    • Mojtaba Shakeri
      Commenced August 2007
      Co-supervisor: Dr. Li Zhengping (SIMTech)
      Project title: Crossdock Scheduling Optimization (Problems and Algorithms with Parallel Computing Strategies)
    • Sun Hequan
      Commenced August 2008
      Co-supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Hsu Wenjing
      Project title: High Performance Computational Algorithms for Motif Finding Problems

    Current Final Year Projects (FYP)

    • A Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Multi-mode Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problems (Student: Brian Marshal)
    • Stowage Plan Optimization for Next Generation Container Ships (Student: Jayesh Kannan)
    • Bees Colony Optimization: Asymmetric Travelling Salesman Problem (Student: Lin Runhui)
    • A Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Multi-mode Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problems (Student: Hari Haran Chandrasekaran)
    • Automated Red Teaming, Automated Co-Evolution and Evolvable Simulation (Student: Soh Min Yi Nicole)
    • Parallel Machines - GPGPU (Quang Mau Bach)
    • A real-time web-based Q&A system implemented using Google Go (Student: Goh Yong Luk Stanley)
    • Automated Red Teaming, Automated Co-Evolution and Evolvable Simulation (Student: Chandramohan Mahinthan)
    • Cloud Computing: Application on Data Farming (Student: Yong Yong Cheng)

    Past FYP Projects

    • Robust Scheduling for Heterogeneous Architectures (Student: Wong Yi Wen)
    • High Performance Computing for Stowage Plan Optimization (Student: Peter Wong)
    • Vehicle Routing and Fleet Management (Student: Charles)
    • Stowage Plan Optimization for Next Generation Container Ships (Student: Ron Tan Shi Qiang)
    • Future Cars (Java applet) (Student: Soh Say Kiong)
    • Automated Red Teaming (Student: Xu Yong Liang)
    • Enterprise Integration Using Mashup (Student: Tham Yew Mun Dennis)
    • Parallel Machines - GPGPU (Student: Liew Xiaoye)
    • Crowd Simulation: Ontology, Knowledge-base and Inference Engine (Student: Tan Su Li Debbie)
    • RFID for Logistics (Cross-docking) Operations (Student: Li Jin Cong)
    • Stowage Plan Optimization for Next Generation Container Ships (Student: Gupta Shubam)
    • Aggregation and Disaggregation Issues in Distributed Simulation (Student: Chua Yuan Wei Benjamin)
    • A Knowledge-based Environmental and Behaviour Representation using Game Engines (Student: Wu Jian Liang)
    • Bees Colony Optimization: A Biological Inspired Approach to Job Shop Scheduling (Student: Puan Chi Yung)
    • Optimization for Crossdocking Product Mixing and Matching Problem (Student: Japjit Singh Ghai)
    • Intelligent Business Rules Definition and Implementation for B2B Collaboration (Student: Tran Son Tung)
    • Cross-docking Planning and Dynamic Scheduling for Fast-Moving-Consumer-Goods (FMCG) Supply Chain (Student: Tong Weiyi Mark)

    • Bees Colony Optimization: A Biological Inspired Approach to Job Shop Scheduling (Student: Yeo Lian Sheng)
    • Ants and Bees colony optimisation for Job shop scheduling using Software Agents (Student: Lim Ming Wei)
    • Technology for High End Manufacturing Simulation Execution on a Computing Cluster (Student: Chong Chee Seng)
    • Optimizing Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling using High Performance Computing Techniques (Student: Jestine Paul)
    • Dynamic BPEL Generation for Aerospace Logistics Operation (Student: Teng Yi Xiang)
    • Business Processes and Workflow in a Web Services World (Student: Wang Yan Wen)
    • Adaptive Control in Supply Chains (Student: Li Qiao Yang)
    • An Animation Tool for Simulation Event Trace (Student: Chew Yuan Chao)
    • A Knowledge-based Environment and Behaviour Representation for Game System (Student: Ng Boon Kiat)
    • Animation Tool for Simulation Event Trace (Student: Lee Jack Son)

    URECA Project Students

    • Cloud Computing: Application on Data Farming (Student: Yong Yong Cheng, Co-supervised with Mr. Choo Chwee Seng from DSO National Laboratories, 2008-2009)
    • Bee Colony Optimization : Travelling Salesman and Jobshop Scheduling ( Student: Brian Marshal, Co-supervised with Dr. Ho Nhu Binh from SIMtech, 2008-2009)
    • A simulation-based experimentation environment for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (Student: Li Yaohui, Co-supervised with Mr. Sin Mong Leng from DSO National Laboratories, 2007-2008)
    • Negotiation Protocol for Multi-Agent Search and Rescue (Student: Xu Yong Liang, Co-supervised with Mr. Sin Mong Leng from DSO National Laboratories 2006-2007)
    UROP Project Students
    • Wave-Based Parallel Implementation of the Smith-Waterman Algorithm on CUDA compatible GPUs (Student: Buddha Sreenivas Kartik, 2008)
    • Parallel Smith Waterman Algorithms with Intel Thread Building Blocks (Student: Willy Suryanto, 2008)
    Edited on: Thursday, May 17, 2012 1:20 AM

    Posted in General (RSS), Research (RSS)